English מנהל/ת - קרן בליטי

COBE practice

The COBE (Computerized Oral Bagrut) is closer than you think! It's time to get serious about practicing.

After you've practiced a bit, I would like you to do the following GRADED ASSIGNMENTS

  •  Record yourself talking about your project for 1-1.5 minutes
  • Pick THREE differet topics from the COBE workbook. Record yourself talking about each of the
  • topics for about 1-1.5 minutes. Use vocabulary from the topic page. In the end, you will send me THREE different recordings.
  • Video response: I will provide different videos and questions. Pick THREE videos and answer the questions. Record your answers.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: After you make your recording, save it to Google Drive and then share it with your teacher via email. This way, there is no chance that your recording will be lost or erased by accident.

Each of the recordings will be graded according to the official rubric from the Ministry of Education.  Rubric

These grades will be part of the grade for your "ציון הגשה" for the Oral Bagrut.